Alpha Omega Wealth

Superannuation (including Self-Managed Superannuation Funds)

Superannuation is one of the most tax effective ways to create wealth and generate income for your retirement. Many investors have limited visibility, control and understanding of how their superannuation is invested, the performance of their fund and the ongoing fees they are paying. AOWM will ensure you maximise your superannuation (including Self-Managed Superannuation Funds – SMSF) through investment advice and superannuation strategies proven to build your retirement savings, such as pre and post-tax contributions and transition to retirement.

Retirement Planning

Everyone’s retirement looks different. What lifestyle are you looking to live in retirement? AOWM clients have a vast array of dreams and goals including .......

Cash flow​

The foundation of any financial strategy involves having a thorough understanding of your current and future cashflow. Are you generating a surplus .............

Debt Management

Is your current loan arrangement suitable for your needs? Is the interest rate comparable to other loans? Are your loan repayments structured correctly? .......

Investment Management

Offering a range of unbiased and transparent portfolios designed to suit your risk profile, needs and preferences. Offering a range of unbiased ...........


Superannuation is one of the most tax effective ways to create wealth and generate income for your retirement. Many investors have limited visibility.....

Asset Ownership Tax Structuring

Working closely with your accountant the team at AOWM will provide you information on the benefits of tax strategies.......

Personal and Business Insurance

One of your greatest assets is your capacity to earn. Protecting your income, assets and lifestyle with appropriate .......

Estate Planning

The way you structure your Will can have a significant impact on the tax that your estate and beneficiaries need to pay. Using structures like jointly ......